Cours disponibles

Prepare and product yeast goods

Prepare and product yeast goods

Course modified date: 27 Jun 2023

This course will let you to practice in real bakery in Lab bakery by using theory with practical knowledge 

  • Enseignant: Savuth YON
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.


Course modified date: 22 May 2023

Dear all student 

Please read all the lesson in the slide .

Any question please ask me.rouge

  • Enseignant: Sokchansok EAT
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Prepare & Cook seafood

Prepare & Cook seafood

Course modified date: 11 May 2023
  • Enseignant: Nay SAN
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Prepare And cook Seafood

Prepare And cook Seafood

Course modified date: 11 May 2023

Prepare And cook seafood

  • Enseignant: Nay SAN
  • Étudiants inscrits: 3


Course modified date: 22 Jun 2023

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to RECEIVE AND STORE STOCK in a range of settings within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.

Welcome trainee and engage student to the class room
If you have any question please feel free to contact me or come to my office

from 12:00pm-1:00pm
- Teacher: Saing Soriya
- Working days: Monday to Friday
- Time: 7:00am-4:30pm


eZee Absolute Property Management System

eZee Absolute Property Management System

Course modified date: 20 Jun 2023

Dear beloved students,

For further information please reach me as following:

  • Working day      :  Monday - Friday
  • Available time    : 10 AM- 12:00 PM
  • Location             :  Executive Office ( M11)
  • Phone number   :  011 81 52 44
  • Telegram            :  011 81 52 44
  • Email                  :
  • Scan me

If you have any enquiry or concerns please do not hesitate to ask me at any time.

With thanks,

Mr. Ponlour NHEM

Front Office instructor

Prepare and Cook Seafood

Prepare and Cook Seafood

Course modified date: 29 May 2023
  • Enseignant: Nay SAN
  • Étudiants inscrits: 39
Develop and update local knowledge (C2-FO2)

Develop and update local knowledge (C2-FO2)

Course modified date: 6 May 2023

Dear beloved students,

For further information please reach me as following:

  • Working day      :  Monday - Friday
  • Available time    : 10 AM- 12:00 PM
  • Location             :  Executive Office ( M11)
  • Phone number   :  011 81 52 44
  • Telegram            :  011 81 52 44
  • Email                  :
  • Scan me

If you have any enquiry or concerns please do not hesitate to ask me at any time.

With thanks,

Mr. NHEM Ponlour

Front Office instructor

Provide Food and Beverage Service

Provide Food and Beverage Service

Course modified date: 18 May 2023


Course modified date: 15 May 2023

Dear all students 

Please read on slide in element 4 .

Any question please contact to me .

Receive and Store Stock (C2-FBS)

Receive and Store Stock (C2-FBS)

Course modified date: 27 Apr 2023
Identify & Prepare Various meats

Identify & Prepare Various meats

Course modified date: 20 Apr 2023

Dear all student ! 

I would like to inform all of you that Please read the PPT by the element 

Element 2. Prepare & Store meat &

Element 4. Store meat and Offal.   

Do the assingement 

  • Enseignant: Nay SAN
  • Étudiants inscrits: 37
Prepare and Serve Cocktail

Prepare and Serve Cocktail

Course modified date: 7 Apr 2023

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to Prepare and serve cocktails in a range of settings within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.

Element 1: Promote cocktails to customers

Element 2: Prepare cocktails

Element 3: Present cocktails

Organize and prepare Food and service

Organize and prepare Food and service

Course modified date: 22 May 2023

This course is related to the basic technical skill in Food production and link with other competency.

Receive and Resolve customer complaints

Receive and Resolve customer complaints

Course modified date: 27 Apr 2023

Dear Everyone! I would like all of you to read the PPT of Element 2 

  • Enseignant: Nay SAN
  • Étudiants inscrits: 42


Course modified date: 3 May 2023

Please read the lesson 

Any question please ask me and contact by telegram or phone number 0965609344.


Prepare Bakery product for Pastry

Prepare Bakery product for Pastry

Course modified date: 5 Apr 2023

Dear all please take your time to learn this course as this course we  are using for C3 exam



Course modified date: 3 May 2023

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to maintain hospitality industry knowledge in a range of settings in a range of settings within the in the hotel and travel industries workplace context.

Clean and Prepare Room for Incoming Guest

Clean and Prepare Room for Incoming Guest

Course modified date: 23 Mar 2023

Clean and prepare rooms for incoming guests

D1.HHK.CL3.03 Trainee Manual

  • Enseignant: Sokha LEANG
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Process Financial Sale Transaction

Process Financial Sale Transaction

Course modified date: 2 May 2023

Process a financial sale transaction

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to Process a financial sale transaction in a range of settings within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.


Element 1: Prepare point of sale area for operation

Performance Criteria

1.1  Prepare point of sale register/terminal for operation

1.2  Open point of sale register/terminal

1.3  Obtain cash float

1.4  Ensure supplies of change

1.5  Obtain supplies of point of sale documentation

1.6  Clean and tidy the point of sale area and equipment

Element 2: Process payments and receipts during trade

Performance Criteria

2.1  Calculate or verify amount due from customer/guest

2.2  Accept cash payments and issue receipts

2.3  Accept non-cash payments and issue receipts

2.4  Process advanced deposits and payments

2.5  Process refunds

2.6  Give change as required

2.7  Complete required documentation throughout trading to record transactions

2.8  Issue cash internally, as required

2.9  Make cash payments on behalf of the enterprise

2.10  Apply appropriate customer/guest service skill     

Element 3: Reconcile financial transaction at end of trade

Performance Criteria

3.1  Close point of sale register/terminal

3.2  Secure point of sale area

3.3  Obtain register/terminal reading

3.4  Count cash in register/terminal

3.5  Calculate non-cash payments/receipts for the period

3.6  Determine balance between register/terminal reading and cash and non-cash totals

3.7  Investigate and resolve discrepancies with takings

3.8  Complete end of shift takings documentation

3.9  Forward documentation and takings to designated location

Facilitate outgoing phone calls (C1-FO)

Facilitate outgoing phone calls (C1-FO)

Course modified date: 20 Jun 2023

Upgrade your level in the telephone skill at here.

In this lesson we have 2 main elements :

1. Make a outgoing telephone calls in appropriate 

2. Identify the types of outgoing calls, component of telephone

If you have any enquiries or concerns about our new course, please contact to me as following:

  • Working day      :  Monday - Friday

  • Available time    : 10 AM- 12:00 PM

  • Location             :  Welcome Center

  • Phone number   :  069 666 884, 101 (Extension Number)

  • Telegram            :  069 666 884

  • Email                  :

Enjoy your phone call always !!!

Instructor : Mr. PORN Polepenh

Telegram QR

Provide Accommodation Reception Service

Provide Accommodation Reception Service

Course modified date: 22 Mar 2023

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to Provide accommodation reception services in a range of settings within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.

Receive and resolve customer complaint (C3-FP)

Receive and resolve customer complaint (C3-FP)

Course modified date: 24 Apr 2023
Apply Catering control principle and procedure -Theory (C3-FP)
Maintain Hospitality Industry knowledge (C2-FBS)

Maintain Hospitality Industry knowledge (C2-FBS)

Course modified date: 28 Apr 2023
Clean and Maintain equipment and Untensil (C1-FBS)
Develop and update local knowledge (C3-HK)

Develop and update local knowledge (C3-HK)

Course modified date: 7 Jun 2023
Implement occupational health and safety procedure (C1-HK)

Implement occupational health and safety procedures

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to Implement occupational health and safety procedures in a range of settings within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.

Unit Code:




Element 1: Provide information on health and safety procedures

Performance Criteria

1.1 Explain relevant health and safety information, including enterprise specific details, accurately and clearly to staff

1.2 Make health and safety information accessible to staff

Element 2: Implement and monitor procedures for controlling hazards and risks Performance Criteria

2.1 Identify and report workplace hazards and risks promptly by maintaining close contact with day to day workplace operations

2.2 Implement and monitor risk control procedures in accordance with enterprise and legal requirements

2.3 Evaluate and adjust risk control procedures as required

Element 3: Implement and monitor health and safety training Performance Criteria

3.1 Identify health and safety training needs through regular workplace monitoring

3.2 Arrange training interventions as appropriate on a timely basis

Develop and update local knowledge (C2-FO)

Develop and update local knowledge (C2-FO)

Course modified date: 2 May 2023

Dear beloved students,

For further information please reach me as following:

  • Working day      :  Monday - Friday
  • Available time    : 10 AM- 12:00 PM
  • Location             :  Executive Office ( M11)
  • Phone number   :  011 81 52 44
  • Telegram            :  011 81 52 44
  • Email                  :
  • Scan me

If you have any enquiry or concerns please do not hesitate to ask me at any time.

With thanks,

Mr. NHEM Ponlour

Front Office instructor

Implement Occupational Health and Safety procedures (C1-FO)
Provide information about in-house services (C1-FO)

Introduction to trainee manual To the Trainee

Congratulations on joining this course. This Trainee Manual is one part of a ‘toolbox’ which is a resource provided to trainees, trainers and assessors to help you become competent in various areas of your work.

The ‘toolbox’ consists of three elements:

  • A Trainee Manual for you to read and study at home or in class

  • A Trainer Guide with Power Point slides to help your Trainer explain the content of the training material and provide class activities to help with practice

  • An Assessment Manual which provides your Assessor with oral and written questions and other assessment tasks to establish whether or not you have achieved competency.

    The first thing you may notice is that this training program and the information you find in the Trainee Manual seems different to the textbooks you have used previously. This is because the method of instruction and examination is different. The method used is called Competency based training (CBT) and Competency based assessment (CBA). CBT and CBA is the training and assessment system chosen by ASEAN (Association of South- East Asian Nations) to train people to work in the tourism and hospitality industry throughout all the ASEAN member states.

    What is the CBT and CBA system and why has it been adopted by ASEAN?

    CBT is a way of training that concentrates on what a worker can do or is required to do at work. The aim is of the training is to enable trainees to perform tasks and duties at a standard expected by employers. CBT seeks to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes (or recognise the ones the trainee already possesses) to achieve the required competency standard. ASEAN has adopted the CBT/CBA training system as it is able to produce the type of worker that industry is looking for and this therefore increases trainees chances of obtaining employment.

    CBA involves collecting evidence and making a judgement of the extent to which a worker can perform his/her duties at the required competency standard. Where a trainee can already demonstrate a degree of competency, either due to prior training or work experience, a process of ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL) is available to trainees to recognise this. Please speak to your trainer about RPL if you think this applies to you.

    What is a competency standard?

    Competency standards are descriptions of the skills and knowledge required to perform a task or activity at the level of a required standar

Receive and process reservations (C1-FO)

Receive and process reservations (C1-FO)

Course modified date: 9 May 2023

Dear beloved students,

For further information please reach me as following:

  • Working day      :  Monday - Friday
  • Available time    : 10 AM- 12:00 PM
  • Location             :  Executive Office ( M11)
  • Phone number   :  011 81 52 44
  • Telegram            :  011 81 52 44
  • Email                  :
  • Scan me

If you have any enquiry or concerns please do not hesitate to ask me at any time.

With thanks,

Mr. NHEM Ponlour

Front Office instructor



Course modified date: 22 Mar 2023
Chemistry SB

Chemistry SB

Course modified date: 14 Mar 2023
Physic SB S-I

Physic SB S-I

Course modified date: 10 Jul 2023
General Knowledge SB S-I

General Knowledge SB S-I

Course modified date: 10 Jul 2023
Khmer SB S-I

Khmer SB S-I

Course modified date: 10 Jul 2023
Math SB S-I

Math SB S-I

Course modified date: 10 Jul 2023
Khmer SoB S-I

Khmer SoB S-I

Course modified date: 5 Jun 2023
Math SoB S-I

Math SoB S-I

Course modified date: 5 Jun 2023
Computer FS S-II

Computer FS S-II

Course modified date: 5 Jun 2023
  • Enseignant: Kosal BUNARITH
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Khmer FS S-I

Khmer FS S-I

Course modified date: 5 Jun 2023
Math FS S-I

Math FS S-I

Course modified date: 5 Jun 2023
Khmer SoHT S-I

Khmer SoHT S-I

Course modified date: 5 Jun 2023
Math SoHT S-I

Math SoHT S-I

Course modified date: 5 Jun 2023
Provide housekeeping service to the guests (C2-HK)

Provide housekeeping services to guests

This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to Provide housekeeping services to guests in a range of settings within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.

Chemistry SoM S-I

Chemistry SoM S-I

Course modified date: 5 Jun 2023
Physic SoM

Physic SoM

Course modified date: 25 Jan 2023
Khmer SoM S-I

Khmer SoM S-I

Course modified date: 5 Jun 2023
Math SoM S-I

Math SoM S-I

Course modified date: 5 Jun 2023
Chemistry SoC S-I

Chemistry SoC S-I

Course modified date: 10 Jul 2023
Physic SoC S-I

Physic SoC S-I

Course modified date: 10 Jul 2023
Khmer SoC S-I

Khmer SoC S-I

Course modified date: 10 Jul 2023
Math SoC S-I

Math SoC S-I

Course modified date: 10 Jul 2023
B1+B_Four Corners 4B

B1+B_Four Corners 4B

Course modified date: 1 Aug 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
A1A_Four Corners 1A

A1A_Four Corners 1A

Course modified date: 1 Aug 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: 11
B1+A_Four Corners 4A

B1+A_Four Corners 4A

Course modified date: 1 Aug 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
B1B_Four Corners 3B

B1B_Four Corners 3B

Course modified date: 1 Aug 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Basic English Listening Skills

Basic English Listening Skills

Course modified date: 2 May 2024
B1A_Four Corners 3A

B1A_Four Corners 3A

Course modified date: 1 Aug 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Four Corners 4

Four Corners 4

Course modified date: 26 Apr 2023
A2B_Four Corners 2B

A2B_Four Corners 2B

Course modified date: 1 Aug 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Four Corners 3

Four Corners 3

Course modified date: 15 Aug 2023
A1B_Four Corners 1B

A1B_Four Corners 1B

Course modified date: 1 Aug 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Four Corners 2

Four Corners 2

Course modified date: 20 Apr 2023
A2A_Four Corners 2A

A2A_Four Corners 2A

Course modified date: 1 Aug 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Four Corners 1

Four Corners 1

Course modified date: 25 Jul 2024
Excel Training - Placement Test

Excel Training - Placement Test

Course modified date: 4 Sep 2024

This is the Placement Test for the Excel Training. You will find the Excel File to download and complete in the the first page.

  • Étudiants inscrits: 1
Excel Training - Intermediary

Excel Training - Intermediary

Course modified date: 28 Jun 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: 4
Excel Training - Advanced

Excel Training - Advanced

Course modified date: 23 Aug 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Excel Beginner Training [KH]

Excel Beginner Training [KH]

Course modified date: 28 Jun 2024
  • Enseignant: Renaud WAESSEM
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Social Beneficiary Management System

Social Beneficiary Management System

Course modified date: 27 May 2024

What you will learn

  1. How to log in to the system
  2. Workflow in the system
  3. How to Create a Family Request
  4. How to Create a Program Request


  1. You should have a solid understanding of documents in a workflow.
  2. You should complete the quiz after you have finished the task.

How to contact us

If you have any enquiries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me as follows:

Phone Number:  010 427 449

Telegram:  010 427 449


  • Enseignant: Bros CHHORN
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Basic Video Projector Training

Basic Video Projector Training

Course modified date: 10 Jul 2024
  • Enseignant: SamAth NOV
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Basic Printer Training

Basic Printer Training

Course modified date: 10 Jul 2024
  • Enseignant: SamAth NOV
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
Excel Beginner Training

Excel Beginner Training

Course modified date: 28 Jun 2024
  • Étudiants inscrits: 3
2-Step Verification on Gmail

2-Step Verification on Gmail

Course modified date: 15 May 2024


  • គោលការណ៍នៃការប្រើប្រាស់លេខសម្ងាត់របស់ PSE
  • ការប្រើប្រាស់លេខសម្ងាត់ឱ្យកាន់តែមានប្រសិទ្ធភាព
  • តើធ្វើដូចម្តេចដើម្បីរក្សាពាក្យសម្ងាត់របស់អ្នកឱ្យមានសុវត្ថិភាព?
  • ស្វែងយល់ពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះ Authentication
  • កត្តាបីនៃការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់
  • ស្វែងយល់ពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះ 2-Step Verification
  • ស្វែងយល់ពីការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធី Authentication Apps
  • ការដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាកម្មវិធី Authenticator Apps
  • អ្នកគួរតែយល់ច្បាស់អំពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះនៃការប្រើប្រាស់កុំព្យូទ័រ
  • អ្នកគួរតែជាបុគ្គលិកថ្មី ឬបុគ្គលិកចាស់ដែរចង់ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែមអ្វីដែរថ្មី ដើម្បីជួយពង្រឹងការងារប្រចាំថ្ងៃអោយកាន់តែមានប្រសិទ្ធភាព
Cyber Security Awareness

Cyber Security Awareness

Course modified date: 9 Aug 2024


  • មូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះសុវត្ថិភាពកុំព្យូទ័រ
  • សុវត្ថិភាពសារអេឡិចត្រូនិច និងបណ្តាញសង្គម
  • សុវត្ថិភាពទូរស័ព្ទដៃ
  • សុវត្ថិភាពនៃការប្រើប្រាស់អ៊ីនធឺណិត
  • សុវត្ថិភាពនៃការប្រើប្រាស់កម្មវិធីកុំព្យូទ័រ
  • សុវត្ថិភាពទិន្នន័យ និងគោលនយោបាយប្រើប្រាស់កុំព្យូទ័រ
  • ស្វែងយល់អំពីឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្មតាមអ៊ីនធឺណិត


  • អ្នកគួរតែយល់ច្បាស់អំពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះនៃការប្រើប្រាស់កុំព្យូទ័រ
  • អ្នកគួរតែជាបុគ្គលិកថ្មី ឬបុគ្គលិកចាស់ដែរចង់ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែមអ្វីដែរថ្មី
Health Care System

Health Care System

Course modified date: 6 Feb 2024


  • ការណែនាំអំពី Health Care Management System 
  • ស្វែងយល់ពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះ នៃការទទួល និង គ្រប់គ្រង អ្នកជំងឺ , ការគ្រប់គ្រង Stock ថ្នាំ ជាដើម
  • របៀបប្រើប្រាស់ក្នុងការ ពិនិត្យ និង ពិគ្រោះជំងឺ
  • ការកំណត់ការណាត់ជួប និង គ្របគ្រង លំហូអ្នកជំងឺ


  • អ្នកគួរតែយល់ច្បាស់អំពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះនៃការប្រើប្រាស់កុំព្យូទ័រ
  • សម្រាប់ Doctor , Nurse , Dentist and  Stock Controller 
  • Enseignant: Limhuy SOY
  • Étudiants inscrits: Il n'y a encore aucun étudiant inscrit à ce cours.
School Managements System - Academic

School Managements System - Academic

Course modified date: 23 May 2024


  • ការណែនាំអំពី School Managements System
  • ស្វែងយល់ពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះ នៃការបង្កើត និង គ្រប់គ្រង កាលវិភាគ , មុខវិជ្ជា, ការដាក់ពិន្ទុ , ថ្នាក់រៀន និង វត្តមានសិស្ស
  • របៀបប្រើប្រាស់ក្នុងការ ផ្ទេរ ឬ ទទួលសិស្ស
  • ការកំណត់ ចំណាត់ថ្នាក់របស់សិស្ស
  • ការតាមដាន វត្តមានសិស្ស និង របាយការណ៍ផ្សេងដែលជួយសម្រួលដល់ការលោកគ្រូ អ្នកគ្រូ


  • អ្នកគួរតែយល់ច្បាស់អំពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះនៃការប្រើប្រាស់កុំព្យូទ័រ
  • សម្រាប់ Academic Officer and Dean School
Cyber Security Awareness

Cyber Security Awareness

Course modified date: 18 Oct 2023

1. What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users via ransomware; or interrupting normal business processes.

Implementing effective cybersecurity measures is particularly challenging today because there are more devices than people, and attackers are becoming more innovative.

2. Why you need to learn cybersecurity awareness?

It helps employees to understand the importance of security measures and procedures, as well as how to recognize and respond to potential threats. With security awareness training, businesses/organization can reduce their risk of being targeted by hackers, protect sensitive information, and ensure that their systems are secure.

After you complete this course you will be able to understand 

1. CIA Triad 

2. Thread, Vulnerability

3. How to prevent yourself from cyber attack

4. Surfing internet with confident with Credit card and Stay safe from Virus and Phishing

5. Understand Best practice of Personal Privacy and Data Protection

6. Report Incident to IT

Basic Google - Drive Training

Basic Google - Drive Training

Course modified date: 17 Nov 2023


  • ការណែនាំអំពី Google Drive
  • ស្វែងយល់ពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះ Google Drive និងការអនុវត្តល្អបំផុតរបស់ Google Drive សម្រាប់ការងារប្រចាំថ្ងៃ
  • របៀបប្រើ Google Drive ឱ្យកាន់តែមានប្រសិទ្ធភាព
  • អ្នកគួរតែយល់ច្បាស់អំពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះនៃការប្រើប្រាស់កុំព្យូទ័រ
  • អ្នកគួរតែជាបុគ្គលិកថ្មី ឬបុគ្គលិកចាស់ដែរចង់ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែមអ្វីដែរថ្មី ដើម្បីជួយពង្រឹងការងារប្រចាំថ្ងៃអោយកាន់តែមានប្រសិទ្ធភាព
Basic Gmail Training

Basic Gmail Training

Course modified date: 4 Dec 2023


  • ការណែនាំអំពី Gmail
  • ស្វែងយល់ពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះ Gmail និងការអនុវត្តល្អបំផុតរបស់ Gmail សម្រាប់ការងារប្រចាំថ្ងៃ
  • របៀបប្រើ Gmail ឱ្យកាន់តែមានប្រសិទ្ធភាព
  • អ្នកគួរតែយល់ច្បាស់អំពីមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះនៃការប្រើប្រាស់កុំព្យូទ័រ
  • អ្នកគួរតែជាបុគ្គលិកថ្មី ឬបុគ្គលិកចាស់ដែរចង់ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែមអ្វីដែរថ្មី ដើម្បីជួយពង្រឹងការងារប្រចាំថ្ងៃអោយកាន់តែមានប្រសិទ្ធភាព
Moodle Training for Course Creator

Moodle Training for Course Creator

Course modified date: 13 Mar 2024

What you'll learn

  • How to design the new course and manage course
  • How to use Activities and Resources in Moodle
  • Managing Student and Questions
  • Tracking Progress

  • You should have a solid understanding of basic computer
  • You should be a teacher who know the course outline, gradebook, teaching methodology